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How to configure CMake


This guide provides instructions how to configure CMake.

Before you begin


The following steps show:

Automatic generation of CMake configuration

To compile a smart contract project with CMake, you'll need a CMake file. To use the new cdt-init tool to generate the directory structure stub .hpp/.cpp files and the CMake configuration files follow these steps:

cd ~
cdt-init --path=. --project=test_contract
cd test_contract
cd build
cmake ..
ls -al test_contract

At this point, you'll have the test_contract.abi and test_contract.wasm files in ~/test_contract/test_contract. These files are ready to be deployed.

Manual generation of CMake configuration

To create manually the CMake configuration, the template CMakeLists.txt in the examples folder is a good boilerplate for manual usage.

  1. In CMakeLists.txt:

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
    project(test_example VERSION 1.0.0)


    add_contract( test test test.cpp )
  2. In test.cpp:

    #include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
    using namespace eosio;

    class [[eosio::contract]] test : public eosio::contract {
    using contract::contract;

    [[eosio::action]] void testact( name test ) {
  3. The following CMake macros are provided:

  • add_contract is used to build your smart contract and generate an ABI. The first parameter is the contract name, the second is the CMake target name, and the rest are the CPP files needed to build the contract.

  • target_ricardian_directory can be used to add the directory where your ricardian contracts live to a specific CMake target.

  • add_native_library and add_native_executable are CMake macros for the native tester. They are drop in replacements for add_library and add_executable.


In conclusion, the above instructions show how to configure CMake .