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Security Group

Module: Contracts API

Defines C++ security group API.


int64_tadd_security_group_participants(const std::set< name > & participants)
int64_tremove_security_group_participants(const std::set< name > & participants)
boolin_active_security_group(const std::set< name > & participants)

Functions Documentation

function add_security_group_participants

inline int64_t add_security_group_participants(
const std::set< name > & participants


  • participants - the participants.

Return: -1 if proposing a new security group was unsuccessful, otherwise returns 0.

Propose new participants to the security group.

function remove_security_group_participants

inline int64_t remove_security_group_participants(
const std::set< name > & participants


  • participants - the participants. å

Return: -1 if proposing a new security group was unsuccessful, otherwise returns 0.

Propose to remove participants from the security group. å

function in_active_security_group

inline bool in_active_security_group(
const std::set< name > & participants


  • participants - the participants.

Return: Returns true if the specified accounts are all in the active security group.

Check if the specified accounts are all in the active security group.

function get_active_security_group

inline security_group get_active_security_group()


  • packed_security_group - the buffer containing the packed security_group.

Return: Returns the size required in the buffer (if the buffer is too small, nothing is written).

Gets the active security group

Updated on 2022-12-05 at 15:38:07 +0000