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This guide provides instructions to instantiate a multi-index table.


See the following code reference:

Before you begin

Make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:


Complete the following steps to instantiate a multi-index table testtab.

1. Preparation And Initialization

Include the eosio.hpp header and use the using directive to access the eosio namespace.

#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
using namespace eosio;

2. Define The Table Data Structure

Define the data structure for the multi-index table.

  struct [[eosio::table]] test_table {

Add the data structure data members. Each data member corresponds to a field of the multi-index table. A primary key is required when defining a multi-index table structure, therefore you need to know which is the multi-index table field that is the primary key for your multi-index table. The corresponding data member for the primary key field must store unique values. In this case it is the test_primary data member of type eosio::name.

  // the data structure which defines each row of the table
struct [[eosio::table]] test_table {
+ // this data member stores a name for each row of the multi-index table
+ name test_primary;
+ // additional data stored in table row, e.g. an uint64_t type data
+ uint64_t datum;

3. Define The Primary Index

Add the definition of the primary index for the multi-index table. The primary index type must be uint64_t, it must be unique and must be named primary_key(), otherwise the compiler (cdt-cpp) will generate an error saying it can not find the field to use as the primary key:

  // the data structure which defines each row of the table
struct [[eosio::table]] test_table {
// this data member stores a name for each row of the multi-index table
name test_primary;
// additional data stored in table row
uint64_t datum;
+ // mandatory definition for primary key getter
+ uint64_t primary_key( ) const { return test_primary.value; }
Additional indexes information

Other, secondary, indexes if they will be defined can have duplicates. You can have up to 16 additional indexes and the field types can be uint64_t, uint128_t, uint256_t, double or long double.

4. Define A Multi-Index Type Alias

For ease of use, define a type alias test_table_t based on the eosio::multi_index template type, parametarized with a random name "testtaba" and the test_table data structure. The names must adhere to Antelope account name restrictions.

  // the data structure which defines each row of the table
struct [[eosio::table]] test_table {
// this data member stores a name for each row of the multi-index table
name test_primary;
// additional data stored in table row
uint64_t datum;
// mandatory definition for primary key getter
uint64_t primary_key( ) const { return test_primary.value; }

+ typedef eosio::multi_index<"testtaba"_n, test_table> test_table_t;

5. Instantiate The Multi-Index Table

Declare the testtab multi-index table as a data member of type test_table_t.

  // the data structure which defines each row of the table
struct [[eosio::table]] test_table {
// this data member stores a name for each row of the multi-index table
name test_primary;
// additional data stored in table row
uint64_t datum;
// mandatory definition for primary key getter
uint64_t primary_key( ) const { return test_primary.value; }

typedef eosio::multi_index<"testtaba"_n, test_table> test_table_t;
+ test_table_t testtab;

6. Initialize The Multi-Index Table Instance

Initialize the data member testtab by passing to its constructor these two values: receiver for the code parameter and receiver.value for the scope parameter. These two parameters combined with table name "testtaba" provide access to the partition of the RAM cache used by this multi-index table, in this example you will initialize the testtab data member in the smart contract constructor

// contract class constructor
multi_index_example( name receiver, name code, datastream<const char*> ds ) :
// contract base class contructor
contract(receiver, code, ds),
// instantiate multi-index instance as data member (find it defined below)
+ testtab(receiver, receiver.value)
{ }

Now you have instantiated a multi-index table, and assigned to testtab variable, which has a primary index defined for its test_primary data member.

Here is how the definition of a multi_index_example contract containing a multi-index table could look like after following all the steps above.


#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
using namespace eosio;

// multi-index example contract class
class [[eosio::contract]] multi_index_example : public contract {
using contract::contract;

// contract class constructor
multi_index_example( name receiver, name code, datastream<const char*> ds ) :
// contract base class contructor
contract(receiver, code, ds),
// instantiate multi-index instance as data member (find it defined below)
testtab(receiver, receiver.value)
{ }

// the row structure of the multi-index table, that is, each row of the table
// will contain an instance of this type of structure
struct [[eosio::table]] test_table {
// this data member stores a name for each row of the multi-index table
name test_primary;
// additional data stored in table row
uint64_t datum;
// mandatory definition for primary key getter
uint64_t primary_key( ) const { return test_primary.value; }

// the multi-index type definition, for ease of use define a type alias `test_table_t`,
// based on the multi_index template type, parametarized with a random name and
// the test_table data structure
typedef eosio::multi_index<"testtaba"_n, test_table> test_table_t;

// the multi-index table instance declared as a data member of type test_table_t
test_table_t testtab;

[[eosio::action]] void set( name user );
[[eosio::action]] void print( name user );

using set_action = action_wrapper<"set"_n, &multi_index_example::set>;
using print_action = action_wrapper<"print"_n, &multi_index_example::print>;
Full example location

A full example project demonstrating the instantiation and usage of multi-index table can be found here.


In conclusion, the above instructions show how to define and instantiate a multi-index table instance.

Next Steps