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Module: Core API / Asset


#include <asset.hpp>

Public Functions

extended_symbolget_extended_symbol() const
extended_asset() =default
extended_asset(int64_t v, extended_symbol s)
extended_asset(asset a, name c)
voidprint() const

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

struct eosio::extended_asset;

Extended asset which stores the information of the owner of the asset

Public Functions Documentation

function get_extended_symbol

inline extended_symbol get_extended_symbol() const

Return: extended_symbol - The extended symbol of the asset

Get the extended symbol of the asset

function extended_asset

extended_asset() =default

Default constructor

function extended_asset

inline extended_asset(
int64_t v,
extended_symbol s

Construct a new extended asset given the amount and extended symbol

function extended_asset

inline extended_asset(
asset a,
name c

Construct a new extended asset given the asset and owner name

function print

inline void print() const

Print the extended asset

Public Attributes Documentation

variable quantity

asset quantity;

The asset

variable contract

name contract;

The owner of the asset

Updated on 2022-12-05 at 15:38:08 +0000