본문으로 건너뛰기
버전: 3.2-rc1



Push a transaction

Before you begin

  • Install the currently supported version of cleos

  • Understand the following:

    • What is a transaction
    • How to generate a valid transaction JSON


  • Create a JSON snippet contains a valid transaction such as the following:
"expiration": "2019-08-01T07:15:49",
"ref_block_num": 34881,
"ref_block_prefix": 2972818865,
"max_net_usage_words": 0,
"max_cpu_usage_ms": 0,
"delay_sec": 0,
"context_free_actions": [],
"actions": [{
"account": "eosio.token",
"name": "transfer",
"authorization": [{
"actor": "han",
"permission": "active"
"data": "000000000000a6690000000000ea305501000000000000000453595300000000016d"
"transaction_extensions": [],
"context_free_data": []
  • You can also create a JSON snippet that uses clear text JSON for data field.

Be aware that if a clear text data field is used, cleos need to fetch copies of required ABIs using nodeos API. That operation has a performance overhead on nodeos

"expiration": "2019-08-01T07:15:49",
"ref_block_num": 34881,
"ref_block_prefix": 2972818865,
"max_net_usage_words": 0,
"max_cpu_usage_ms": 0,
"delay_sec": 0,
"context_free_actions": [],
"actions": [{
"account": "eosio.token",
"name": "transfer",
"authorization": [{
"actor": "han",
"permission": "active"
"data": {
"from": "han",
"to": "eosio",
"quantity": "0.0001 SYS",
"memo": "m"
"transaction_extensions": [],
"context_free_data": []
  • Execute the following command:
cleos push transaction TRX_FILE.json
  • Submit a transaction from a JSON:
cleos push transaction JSON