


attribute((eosio_wasm_import) )


int64_t *ram_bytes
int64_t int64_t *net_weight
int64_t int64_t int64_t *cpu_weight
char *producer_data

Functions Documentation

function attribute



  • account - name of the account whose resource limit to get
  • ram_bytes - pointer to int64_t to hold retrieved ram limit in absolute bytes
  • net_weight - pointer to int64_t to hold net limit
  • cpu_weight - pointer to int64_t to hold cpu limit
  • account - name of the account whose resource limit to be set
  • ram_bytes - ram limit in absolute bytes
  • net_weight - fractionally proportionate net limit of available resources based on (weight / total_weight_of_all_accounts)
  • cpu_weight - fractionally proportionate cpu limit of available resources based on (weight / total_weight_of_all_accounts)
  • producer_data - packed data of produce_keys in the appropriate producer schedule order
  • producer_data_size - size of the data buffer
  • producer_data_format - format of the producer data blob
  • producer_data - packed data of representing the producer schedule in the format indicated.
  • producer_data_size - size of the data buffer
  • account - name of the account to be checked
  • account - name of the account whose privileged account to be set
  • is_priv - privileged status
  • data - pointer to blockchain parameters packed as bytes
  • datalen - size of the packed blockchain parameters
  • data - output buffer of the blockchain parameters, only retrieved if sufficent size to hold packed data.
  • datalen - size of the data buffer, 0 to report required size.
  • data - pointer to KV parameters packed as bytes
  • datalen - size of the packed KV parameters
  • feature_digest - digest of the protocol feature to pre-activate


  • -1 if proposing a new producer schedule was unsuccessful, otherwise returns the version of the new proposed schedule
  • -1 if proposing a new producer schedule was unsuccessful, otherwise returns the version of the new proposed schedule
  • true if the account is privileged
  • false if the account is not privileged
  • size of the blockchain parameters


  • Once the block that contains the proposal becomes irreversible, the schedule is promoted to "pending" automatically. Once the block that promotes the schedule is irreversible, the schedule will become "active"
  • Once the block that contains the proposal becomes irreversible, the schedule is promoted to "pending" automatically. Once the block that promotes the schedule is irreversible, the schedule will become "active"


  • data is a valid pointer to a range of memory at least datalen bytes long that contains packed blockchain params data
  • data is a valid pointer to a range of memory at least datalen bytes long
  • data is a valid pointer to a range of memory at least datalen bytes long that contains packed KV params data

Postcondition: data is filled with packed blockchain parameters

Get the resource limits of an account

Set the resource limits of an account

Proposes a schedule change

This is exactly equivalent to calling set_proposed_producers_ex(0, producer_data, producer_data_size)

Proposes a schedule change with extended features

Valid formats: 0 : serialized array of producer_key's. using this format is exactly equivalent to set_proposed_producers(producer_data, producer_data_size) 1 : serialized array of producer_authority's

Check if an account is privileged

Set the privileged status of an account

Set the blockchain parameters

Retrieve the blolckchain parameters

Set the KV parameters

Pre-activate protocol feature

Attributes Documentation

variable ram_bytes

int64_t * ram_bytes;

variable net_weight

int64_t int64_t * net_weight;

variable cpu_weight

int64_t int64_t int64_t * cpu_weight;

variable producer_data_size

uint32_t producer_data_size;

variable producer_data

char * producer_data;

variable is_priv

bool is_priv;

variable datalen

uint32_t datalen;

Source code

#pragma once
#include "types.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

void get_resource_limits( capi_name account, int64_t* ram_bytes, int64_t* net_weight, int64_t* cpu_weight );

void set_resource_limits( capi_name account, int64_t ram_bytes, int64_t net_weight, int64_t cpu_weight );

int64_t set_proposed_producers( char *producer_data, uint32_t producer_data_size );

int64_t set_proposed_producers_ex( uint64_t producer_data_format, char *producer_data, uint32_t producer_data_size );

bool is_privileged( capi_name account );

void set_privileged( capi_name account, bool is_priv );

void set_blockchain_parameters_packed( char* data, uint32_t datalen );

uint32_t get_blockchain_parameters_packed( char* data, uint32_t datalen );

void set_kv_parameters_packed( const char* data, uint32_t datalen );

void preactivate_feature( const struct capi_checksum256* feature_digest );

#ifdef __cplusplus

Updated on 2022-12-05 at 15:38:08 +0000