


Retrieve all actions with specific account name referenced in authorization or receiver

Positional Parameters

  • account_name TEXT - name of account to query on (required)
  • pos INT - sequence number of action for this account, -1 for last (optional)
  • offset INT - get actions [pos, pos + offset] for positive offset or [pos - offset, pos] for negative offset


  • -j,--json - print full json
  • --full - don't truncate action output
  • --pretty - pretty print full action json
  • --console - print console output generated by action


Retrieve and save abi for eosio.token contract

cleos get actions eosio.token
#  seq  when                              contract::action => receiver      trx id...   args
# 976 2018-06-01T19:54:05.000 eosio.token::transfer => eosio.token 1d1fe154... {"from":"userae","to":"useraa","quantity":"0.000...
# 977 2018-06-01T19:54:05.000 eosio.token::transfer => eosio.token a0c9e5bc... {"from":"userab","to":"useraa","quantity":"0.000...
# 978 2018-06-01T19:54:05.000 eosio.token::transfer => eosio.token 3749d0d1... {"from":"userab","to":"userah","quantity":"0.000...
# 979 2018-06-01T19:54:05.000 eosio.token::transfer => eosio.token dda205b0... {"from":"userai","to":"useraj","quantity":"0.000...
# 980 2018-06-01T19:54:05.000 eosio.token::transfer => eosio.token 14089e9b... {"from":"userab","to":"userae","quantity":"0.000...
# 981 2018-06-01T19:54:05.000 eosio.token::transfer => eosio.token 6882cefc... {"from":"useraj","to":"userab","quantity":"0.000...