
1 篇文档带有标签「AntelopeIO/reference-contracts/tree/main/docs/01_key-concepts/06_vote.md」



In an Antelope-based network the blockchain is kept alive by nodes which are interconnected between each other, communicating with each other via peer to peer protocols. Some of these nodes are elected, via a voting process, by the token holders to be producer nodes. They produce blocks, validate them and reach consensus on what transactions are allowed in each block, their order, and what blocks are finalized and stored forever in the blockchain. This way the governance, the mechanism by which collective decisions are made, of the blockchain is achieved through the 21 active block producers which are appointed by token holders' votes. It's the 21 active block producers which continuously create the blockchain by creating blocks, and securing them by validating them, and reaching consensus. Consensus is reached when 2/3+1 active block producers agree on validity of a block, that is all transactions contained in it and their order. The 21 producers is the default value however it can be configured to be higher or smaller to meet each business case requirements.