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Detailed Description

Copyright: defined in eos/LICENSE

Source code

#pragma once
#include "datastream.hpp"

#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>

namespace eosio {

template<size_t Size>
class fixed_bytes;

template<size_t Size>
bool operator ==(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2);

template<size_t Size>
bool operator !=(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2);

template<size_t Size>
bool operator >(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2);

template<size_t Size>
bool operator <(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2);

template<size_t Size>
bool operator >=(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2);

template<size_t Size>
bool operator <=(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2);

template<size_t Size>
class fixed_bytes {

template<bool...> struct bool_pack;
template<bool... bs>
using all_true = std::is_same< bool_pack<bs..., true>, bool_pack<true, bs...> >;

template<typename Word, size_t NumWords>
static void set_from_word_sequence(const Word* arr_begin, const Word* arr_end, fixed_bytes<Size>& key)
auto itr = key._data.begin();
word_t temp_word = 0;
const size_t sub_word_shift = 8 * sizeof(Word);
const size_t num_sub_words = sizeof(word_t) / sizeof(Word);
auto sub_words_left = num_sub_words;
for( auto w_itr = arr_begin; w_itr != arr_end; ++w_itr ) {
if( sub_words_left > 1 ) {
temp_word |= static_cast<word_t>(*w_itr);
temp_word <<= sub_word_shift;

eosio::check( sub_words_left == 1, "unexpected error in fixed_bytes constructor" );
temp_word |= static_cast<word_t>(*w_itr);
sub_words_left = num_sub_words;

*itr = temp_word;
temp_word = 0;
if( sub_words_left != num_sub_words ) {
if( sub_words_left > 1 )
temp_word <<= 8 * (sub_words_left-1);
*itr = temp_word;


typedef uint128_t word_t;

static constexpr size_t num_words() { return (Size + sizeof(word_t) - 1) / sizeof(word_t); }

static constexpr size_t padded_bytes() { return num_words() * sizeof(word_t) - Size; }

constexpr fixed_bytes() : _data() {}

fixed_bytes(const std::array<word_t, num_words()>& arr)
std::copy(arr.begin(), arr.end(), _data.begin());

template<typename Word, size_t NumWords,
typename Enable = typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<Word>::value &&
std::is_unsigned<Word>::value &&
!std::is_same<Word, bool>::value &&
std::less<size_t>{}(sizeof(Word), sizeof(word_t))>::type >
fixed_bytes(const std::array<Word, NumWords>& arr)
static_assert( sizeof(word_t) == (sizeof(word_t)/sizeof(Word)) * sizeof(Word),
"size of the backing word size is not divisible by the size of the array element" );
static_assert( sizeof(Word) * NumWords <= Size, "too many words supplied to fixed_bytes constructor" );

set_from_word_sequence<Word, NumWords>(, + arr.size(), *this);

template<typename Word, size_t NumWords,
typename Enable = typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<Word>::value &&
std::is_unsigned<Word>::value &&
!std::is_same<Word, bool>::value &&
std::less<size_t>{}(sizeof(Word), sizeof(word_t))>::type >
fixed_bytes(const Word(&arr)[NumWords])
static_assert( sizeof(word_t) == (sizeof(word_t)/sizeof(Word)) * sizeof(Word),
"size of the backing word size is not divisible by the size of the array element" );
static_assert( sizeof(Word) * NumWords <= Size, "too many words supplied to fixed_bytes constructor" );

set_from_word_sequence<Word, NumWords>(arr, arr + NumWords, *this);

template<typename FirstWord, typename... Rest>
make_from_word_sequence(typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<FirstWord>::value &&
std::is_unsigned<FirstWord>::value &&
!std::is_same<FirstWord, bool>::value &&
sizeof(FirstWord) <= sizeof(word_t) &&
all_true<(std::is_same<FirstWord, Rest>::value)...>::value,
FirstWord>::type first_word,
Rest... rest)
static_assert( sizeof(word_t) == (sizeof(word_t)/sizeof(FirstWord)) * sizeof(FirstWord),
"size of the backing word size is not divisible by the size of the words supplied as arguments" );
static_assert( sizeof(FirstWord) * (1 + sizeof...(Rest)) <= Size, "too many words supplied to make_from_word_sequence" );

fixed_bytes<Size> key;
std::array<FirstWord, 1+sizeof...(Rest)> arr{{ first_word, rest... }};
set_from_word_sequence<FirstWord, 1+sizeof...(Rest)>(, + arr.size(), key);
return key;

const auto& get_array()const { return _data; }

auto data() { return; }

auto data()const { return; }

auto size()const { return _data.size(); }

std::array<uint8_t, Size> extract_as_byte_array()const {
std::array<uint8_t, Size> arr;

const size_t num_sub_words = sizeof(word_t);

auto arr_itr = arr.begin();
auto data_itr = _data.begin();

for( size_t counter = _data.size(); counter > 0; --counter, ++data_itr ) {
size_t sub_words_left = num_sub_words;

auto temp_word = *data_itr;
if( counter == 1 ) { // If last word in _data array...
sub_words_left -= padded_bytes();
temp_word >>= 8*padded_bytes();
for( ; sub_words_left > 0; --sub_words_left ) {
*(arr_itr + sub_words_left - 1) = static_cast<uint8_t>(temp_word & 0xFF);
temp_word >>= 8;
arr_itr += num_sub_words;

return arr;

inline void print()const {
auto arr = extract_as_byte_array();
printhex(static_cast<const void*>(, arr.size());

friend bool operator == <>(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2);

friend bool operator != <>(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2);

friend bool operator > <>(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2);

friend bool operator < <>(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2);

friend bool operator >= <>(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2);

friend bool operator <= <>(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2);


std::array<word_t, num_words()> _data;

template<size_t Size>
bool operator ==(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2) {
return c1._data == c2._data;

template<size_t Size>
bool operator !=(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2) {
return c1._data != c2._data;

template<size_t Size>
bool operator >(const fixed_bytes<Size>& c1, const fixed_bytes<Size>& c2) {
return c1._data > c2._data;

template<size_t Size>
bool operator <(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2) {
return c1._data < c2._data;

template<size_t Size>
bool operator >=(const fixed_bytes<Size>& c1, const fixed_bytes<Size>& c2) {
return c1._data >= c2._data;

template<size_t Size>
bool operator <=(const fixed_bytes<Size> &c1, const fixed_bytes<Size> &c2) {
return c1._data <= c2._data;

using checksum160 = fixed_bytes<20>;
using checksum256 = fixed_bytes<32>;
using checksum512 = fixed_bytes<64>;

template<typename DataStream, size_t Size>
inline DataStream& operator<<(DataStream& ds, const fixed_bytes<Size>& d) {
auto arr = d.extract_as_byte_array();
ds.write( (const char*), arr.size() );
return ds;

template<typename DataStream, size_t Size>
inline DataStream& operator>>(DataStream& ds, fixed_bytes<Size>& d) {
std::array<uint8_t, Size> arr; (char*), arr.size() );
d = fixed_bytes<Size>( arr );
return ds;


Updated on 2022-12-05 at 15:38:08 +0000