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attribute((eosio_wasm_import) ) const



Functions Documentation

function attribute

) const


  • data - the buffer containing the packed participants.
  • datalen - size of the packed participants
  • data - the buffer containing the packed participants.
  • datalen - size of the packed participants
  • data - the buffer containing the packed participants.
  • datalen - size of the packed participants
  • data - the output buffer containing the packed security group.
  • datalen - size of the data buffer


  • -1 if proposing a new security group was unsuccessful, otherwise returns 0.
  • -1 if proposing a new security group was unsuccessful, otherwise returns 0.
  • Returns true if the specified accounts are all in the active security group.
  • Returns the size required in the buffer (if the buffer is too small, nothing is written).


  • data is a valid pointer to a range of memory at least datalen bytes long that contains packed participants data
  • data is a valid pointer to a range of memory at least datalen bytes long that contains packed participants data

Propose new participants to the security group.

Propose to remove participants from the security group.

Check if the specified accounts are all in the active security group.

Gets the active security group

Attributes Documentation

variable datalen

uint32_t datalen;

Source code

#pragma once
#include "types.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

int64_t add_security_group_participants(const char* data, uint32_t datalen);

int64_t remove_security_group_participants(const char* data, uint32_t datalen);

bool in_active_security_group(const char* data, uint32_t datalen);

uint32_t get_active_security_group(char* data, uint32_t datalen);

#ifdef __cplusplus

Updated on 2022-12-05 at 15:38:08 +0000