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Antelope Overview

Antelope is the next-generation blockchain platform for creating and deploying smart contracts and distributed applications. Antelope comes with a number of programs. The primary ones included in Antelope are the following:

Antelope Utilities

This section contains documentation for additional utilities that complement or extend nodeos and potentially other Antelope software:

Build Antelope from Source

The shell scripts previously recommended for building the software have been removed in favor of a build process entirely driven by CMake. Those wishing to build from source are now responsible for installing the necessary dependencies. The list of dependencies and the recommended build procedure are in the file. Instructions are also included for efficiently running the tests.


Please keep in mind that instructions for building from source on other unsupported operating systems provided here should be considered experimental and provided AS-IS on a best-effort basis and may not be fully featured.

Development Environment

There are several ways to configure a nodeos environment for development and testing. Which option to use largely depends on what the project goals are. Some practical options are provided below.

History Api Plugin

The historyplugin that the historyapiplugin depends upon is deprecated and will no longer be maintained. Please use the statehistoryplugin instead.

History Plugin

The historyplugin is deprecated and will no longer be maintained. Please use the statehistoryplugin instead.

How to generate a blocks.log file

The blocks.log file is used by nodeos to persist irreversible blocks. This is the actual local copy of the immutable blockchain maintained by the node. The default location of the blocks.log file is in the data/blocks directory. However the default data directory can be overridden with the -d [ --data-dir ] option on the nodeos command line.

How to generate a snapshot

You can force a running nodeos instance to create a snapshot by using the createsnapshot RPC API call supported by the producerapi_plugin. This will create a snapshot file in the data/snapshots directory. Snapshot files are written to disk with the name pattern snapshot-\.bin.

How to replay from a blocks.log file

Once you have obtained a copy of the blocks.log file which you wish to replay the blockchain from, copy it to your data/blocks directory, backing up any existing contents if you wish to keep them, and remove the blocks.index, forkdb.dat, sharedmemory.bin, and sharedmemory.meta.

How to replay from a snapshot

Once you have obtained a copy of a valid snapshot file from which you wish to create a valid chain state, copy it to your data/snapshots directory, backing up (if you wish to keep them) and removing any existing contents of the data directory.


* How to attach a YubiHSM hard wallet

Keosd Security

How does keosd Locking/Unlocking works and what are the security implications?

Keosd Troubleshooting

How to solve the error "Failed to lock access to wallet directory; is another keosd running"?

Keosd Usage

For most users, the easiest way to use keosd is to have cleos launch it automatically. Wallet files will be created in the default directory (~/eosio-wallet).

Nodeos Concepts

This section contains nodeos-specific explainers, best practices, and implementation insights.

Nodeos Configuration

The plugin-specific options can be configured using either CLI options or a configuration file, config.ini. Nodeos-specific options can only be configured from the command line. All CLI options and config.ini options can be found by running nodeos --help as shown above.

Nodeos Logging

Logging for nodeos is controlled by the logging.json file. CLI options can be passed to nodeos to setup logging.json. The logging configuration file can be used to define appenders and tie them to loggers and logging levels.

Nodeos Options

Nodeos is a command line interface (CLI) application. As such, it can be started manually from the command line or through an automated script. The behavior of nodeos is determined mainly by which plugins are loaded and which plugin options are used. The nodeos application features two main option categories: nodeos-specific options and plugin-specific options.

Nodeos Replays

Nodeos provides various options for replaying blockchain blocks. This can be useful if, for example, a node has downloaded a blocks.log file from the internet (as a faster alternative to synchronizing from the p2p network) and the node wants to use it to quickly catch up with the network, or if you want to know the chain state at specified points in a blockchain's life.

Nodeos Usage

This section explains how to use nodeos, lists its configuration options, describes its local file layout, provides common setups, and discusses the potential test environments for development.

Producing Node Setup

These instructions assume you want to launch a producing node on a network with system contracts loaded. These instructions will not work on a default development node using native functionality, or one without system contracts loaded.

Setup logging.json

The logging.json file is usually located in the specified --config-dir, the same directory as the config.ini file. This path can be explicitly defined using the -l or --logconf options when starting nodeos.

Storage and Read Modes

The Antelope platform stores blockchain information in various data structures at various stages of a transaction's lifecycle. Some of these are described below. The producing node is the nodeos instance run by the block producer who is currently creating blocks for the blockchain (which changes every 6 seconds, producing 12 blocks in sequence before switching to another producer.)


traceapiutil is a command-line interface (CLI) utility that allows node operators to perform low-level tasks associated with the Trace API Plugin. traceapiutil can perform one of the following operations: